

We charge a £5.00 flat-rate shipping fee to all GB Mainland addresses.

Once you have placed an order, you will receive an email confirming we have received it.

You will receive another email confirming that your order has been dispatched.

Orders are shipped with UK Mail via their next day delivery service. We aim to process orders on the same day (Monday to Friday) so you can usually expect to receive your order within 1-2 working days. However, please allow 3-4 days during busy times of the year.

We can receive orders at any time, but we can only process orders during office hours (9am and 5pm Monday to Friday).

All orders received by us are shipped subject to availability. We reserve the right to ship products at a later date (up to 28 days after purchase) where the product ordered is not in stock at the time of purchase. In this situation you will be contacted and offered a full refund instead of delivery of the product.

UK Mail normally deliver Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.30pm, but during busy times, deliveries may be made outside of these times.

Please ensure there will be someone available to sign for the package when it arrives. We can deliver to places of work if you request it at the time of order. Alternatively, you may authorise the courier to leave the order in a certain place (there is a textbox in the shopping checkout where delivery instructions can be left. HOWEVER, if you request for beer to be left unattended, we cannot be held responsible if it goes missing after the courier has delivered it!).

If nobody is in when the courier attempts to deliver, then a card will be left informing you that an attempted delivery had been made. If you do not contact the courier company within a few days, the beer may be returned to us. In this situation, we will credit your account, less the delivery charge.

We cannot be held responsible for disruption to shipping caused by industrial disputes, weather, damaged goods or actions outside our direct control.

If you wish to return an item please contact us at the brewery by phone (01259 769100) or by email ( ) quoting your name, contact details, order number and details of the problem.

The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility. Delivery charges are only refundable where goods are faulty or the wrong goods were sent.

Goods will only be accepted for return if they are dispatched within 14 days of delivery, unless we have notified you otherwise.

When returning goods please enclose: the receipt, details of the reason for the return and credit or debit card details (for purposes of refund). Returned items should be unused and must be returned in original packaging with any enclosed documentation and reason for return.

If you return goods you have ordered from us for any reason we will give you a full refund of the amount paid or an exchange credit as required.

You have a right to cancel your order within 7 days in accordance with the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000.

If you let us know before we ship your order, we will cancel the order and refund you any money.

If you change your mind within seven days of placing the order, return the unopened product and we will refund the value of the product, less any shipping costs.